2022 Stilts Calatagan Beach Resort Travel Guide + Požiadavky
Pokiaľ ide o pláže v Batangase, Calatagan je vždy medzi našimi najlepšími možnosťami. Má spravodlivý piesok a plytké vody, a to nie je tak preplnené ako iné plážové destinácie v provincii. Nedávno sme sa vrátili do Calataganovi, aby sme zistili, čo sa zmenilo od pandémie a čo očakávať v novej normálnej úrovni. V tomto článku sa zameriame na jednu z jeho najvýraznejších atrakcií – Stilts Calatagan Beach Resort!
Ubytovanie v Calatagans sa pohybuje od nerozvinutých zátoky do viac upscale Resorts, od robustných kempingových miest na očarujúce vily a vodné parky. Stilts Calatagan je na vyššom konci spektra. Je to známe miesto pre tímové budovy a zvláštne príležitosti, ako je narodeniny, debuty a najvýhodnejšie svadby. Najvýznamnejším rysom strediska je klastra nadmerných bungalovov, spojených drevenými plošinami, pripomínajúcimi vodnými villasmi v Maldivách. Tieto vily a iné prenocovacie chaty / izby môžu byť príliš drahé pre rozpočtovú cestujúcich, ale slnečníky a milovníci plážov môžu urobiť s riešením – denný turné a plážové kempy.
Ale či trávite noc alebo len navštívite na denný výlet, platia nové bežné politiky. Každý návštevník musí predstavovať niekoľko cestovných požiadaviek a dodržiavať dodatočné opatrenia na zabezpečenie bezpečnosti všetkých. Takže, ak ste navštevovali chodníky CalaTagn, tu sú niektoré veci, ktoré potrebujete vedieť.
Čo je zahrnuté v tejto príručke?
Požiadavky na cestovanie CALATAGAN
Nový normálny proces rezervovania
Ako sa dostať k Stilts Calatagan z Manilaby Súkromné auto
Verejnou dopravou
Stilts Calatagan Nový normálny vstupný protokol
Prevádzkové dni a hodiny
Day Tour vs Prenocovanie Poplatok za pobyt
Hut / stolný prenájom
Poplatok za dovolenku cez noc
Prenájom stanu
Voľnočasové aktivity v Stilts Calataganthree Beaches
Aqua Sports
Loď dobrodružstvo
ATV Adventure Tour
Pravidlá a predpisy kalatagan
Kde jete, prinesiem vonkajšie jedlo?
Poplatky za corkoge a iné poplatky za služby
Ostatné tipy pre chudobných cestujúcich
Často kladené otázky Chenalizačné deti a seniorov povolené na chodníkoch?
Sú povolené domáce zvieratá na chodníkoch?
Môžem použiť toaletu alebo sprchu, ak som na dennom turné?
Môžem fotografovať na ploche stilts, kde sú overwater vily?
Môžem lietať drone?
Ďalšie tipy na YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️related Posts:
Požiadavky na cestovanie CALATAGAN
Tu sú požiadavky pri cestovaní do stilts Calatagan Beach Resort:
Predbežná rezervačná formulár alebo potvrdzujúci poukaz na hosť, ktorý vám poskytne, že sa vám poskytne správania pri potvrdení rezervácie.
Formulár zdravotnej deklarácie. Manažment chodidiel vám po potvrdení rezervácie postúpi mäkkú kópiu tohto formulára. Jedna forma na hosť.
Niektorý z nasledujúcich možností:
– Vakcinačná karta pre plne očkovaných hostí;
– Negatívne výsledky testov z 1 až 3 dni pred kontrolou dátumu, podľa chodníkov. Podľa kalataganového cestovného ruchu to môže byť negatívny výsledok testu RT-PCR vydaný do 48 hodín alebo rýchleho antigénu alebo slinového testu vydaného do 24 hodín.
– lekárske osvedčenie alebo zdravotné osvedčenie Barangay. Lekárske osvedčenie musí vydať vládnym alebo súkromným lekárom a mal by uviesť, že nie ste na zozname pravdepodobných podozrivých alebo potvrdených prípadov COVID-19 vo vašej oblasti.
Zatiaľ čo Stilts Calatagan uvádza medicínske certifikáty ako možnosť, Oznámenie CALALAGAN TESTROVECNOSTI OBCHODNÉHO OBCHODNOSTI zahŕňa iba negatívne výsledky testov a vakcinačné karty. Prosím, skontrolujte s LGU alebo s preklepmi, keď si rezervujete.
Certifikáty a riadne vykonané formy vyhlásenia o zdravotnom vyhlásení musia byť datované čo najbližšie k naplánovanom poznávaní a musia byť predložené prostredníctvom e-mailu aspoň jeden deň pred cestou.
Deti a seniori sú povolené. Stilts je jedným z mála stredísk v Calataganovi oprávnených prijať hostí všetkých vekových kategórií. Stačí zabezpečiť všetky potrebné dokumenty požadované v rezorte. Tehotné ženy a osoby s komorbiditmi nie sú povolené. To je v súlade s usmerneniami administratívneho poriadku č. 2020-006-C.
Nový normálny proces rezervovania
Ako písanie, strediská v Calatagan neprijímajú prechádzky. Musíte urobiť predchádzajúcu rezerváciu pred cestou. Stilts Calatagan Beach Resort prijíma obaja denná turné a cez noc. Navštívili sme len denné turistické hostí. Tu je spôsob, akým sme zabezpečili naše sloty:
Contact Stilts Calatagan. We sent an e-mail to the management inquiring about the day tour rates. Tu sú kontaktné údaje:
– E-mailová adresa: stilts.sales@gmail.com
– Landline:(+632) 967-0820
– Mobile Numbers: 0917 5863343 / 0917 5807653 / 0917 5237777 / 0908 8662254
Provide the info needed for the formal quotation. Stilts management will ask for details such as the total headcount, your choice lodging, and the date of your visit. Then, they will send you the quotation, bank details, requirements, and other reminders.
Complete the necessary requirements and pay the 50% downpayment. Your reservationis tentative until you send a copy of your deposit slip to the given e-mail address. Make sure to pay on or before the applicable payment option Date. Stilts Calatagan reserves the right to cancel your booking if no deposit is made.
Accomplish and submit the necessary forms. After sending a copy of your deposit slip (50% downpayment), the management will forward the following:
– guest confirmation Voucher, which contains the cost breakdown, your check out details, and the inclusions.
– guest Registration Form, which is a list of all the names of the guests and the waiver.
– health declaration Form
– list of rules and regulations
One Registration form per group, but each guest must submit a health declaration Form. You must send via e-mail at least one day before your scheduled check out or check-in date
If traveling via private vehicle, provide the license plate of your vehicle. This will be forwarded to and coordinated with the checkpoint staff.
On the day of your visit, have all the requirements ready for checking. There’s a representative per resort at the checkpoint. They will check your documents and your name on the resort’s guest list. Prepare a hard copy of the documents just to be sure.
How to get to Stilts Calatagan from Manila
Stilts Calatagan beach resort is located in Barangay Sta. Ana on the western coast of the municipality. coming from Manila, the travel time is three to four hours, depending on traffic conditions.
By private Car
Going on a road trip has become the choice weekend activity in the time of COVID-19. It’s the most convenient and safest way to travel nowadays. going to Calatagan from Manila, the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) is the fastest route. another route is via Aguinaldo Highway. Whichever route you choose, road tripping is now easier when you consult Waze or Google Maps for direction. but if you are curious about how to do it old school, read on.
From SLEX, you can either take Santa Rosa exit or Mamplasan Exit. The latter is now the fastest route with the launching of the Cavite-Laguna Expressway (CALAX). ready your Autosweep and EasyTrip (if taking CALAX).
Either route, you will be driving along Santa Rosa-Tagaytay Road. continue driving until you reach Tagaytay Rotonda.
Continue driving along Tagaytay-Nasugbu Road. You will reach the Batangas-Cavite boundary. Drive past the arc with a “Welcome to Nasugbu” greeting.
Take a right turn when you reach the Palico Rotonda or junction. The landmarks are Jollibee and Caltex. You will pass by central Azucarera Don Pedro.
Continue driving along Palico-Nasugbu highway until you reach the Lian-Nasugbu Intersection/Rotonda. Your landmarks are Shakey’s and shell gasoline station.
Drive around the rotonda to the Calatagan-Lian Highway. You will pass through Lian town proper. Last time we passed through here, there was a checkpoint upon entry to the town center. If there still is one, just tell them you’re just passing through to Calatagan and show your documents when asked. continue driving until you reach the boundary of Calatagan and Lian.
Clear Calatagan checkpoint. This is located just after the Calatagan welcome arch. someone will approach you to ask which resort you’re booked with. Then, a representative from that resort will verify. have your guest confirmation voucher and medical Certificate ready just in case they ask for proof.
When you are already cleared, continue driving through Calatagan town proper. You will pass by Lago de Oro and Calatagan Golf Course.
Continue driving and follow the road signs. There is a part where the national road becomes one-way and you have to turn right. continue driving until you see the sign to Stilts Calatagan beach resort to your right.
Turn right and continue driving until you reach the resort’s main gate.
Alternative Route: In case there’s a major traffic build up in Tagaytay, another route from SLEX is to continue driving to star Tollway then take Batangas City Exit. then drive through the towns of Bauan, Lemery, Calaca, and Balayan to reach Calatagan.
Verejnou dopravou
Make your way to DLTBCo Buendia Bus Terminal, located just next to the LRT Gil Puyat Station.
Board the bus bound for Calatagan. P180-200. get off at Calatagan town Proper.
Hail a tricycle to Stilts. Fare: P200-250.
Pre-pandemic, there was a Calatagan Van terminal in Pasay City. It’s located along P. Zamora street between Kabayan hotel and Metropoint Mall. This is the point where MRT trains terminate at Taft station along EDSA. but we’re not sure if this van service remains operational.
Not yet confident taking public transportation during the pandemic, but you don’t have a car? You can try booking day tour packages from respectable and DOT-accredited travel agencies or through your trusted online booking platforms like Klook!
If you are booking via Klook, the Stilts Calatagan Day tour package usually includes the following:
Roundtrip land transfers from Metro Manila
Local English speaking tour coordinator
Fuel and toll fees
Cestovné poistenie
Check the package you are booking and the corresponding inclusions before confirming. One package covers the entrance fee, while another one does not.
Meals are not included.
The usual pick-up spot is at SM mall of Asia.
✅ check rates & AVAILABILITY HERE!
Stilts Calatagan new normal Admission Protocol
Upon reaching the resort’s main gate, the guard will ask for info such as the number of guests, the names (or at least the one who booked the reservation), and/or duration of stay (day tour or overnight).
Continue driving to the vehicle parking lot. The resort has four vehicle parking areas: the main vehicle parking lot, the small vehicle parking lot near the main Frontdesk, the vehicle parking lot near Serenity beach and the Tree Houses, and the vehicle parking lot near Destiny beach and Infinity Area. go to the lot that was assigned to you by the guard.
Ensure that you are wearing your face mask and face shield.
Proceed to the footbath, sanitation, and thermal scanning area (Serenity Frontdesk).
You will be directed to the main Frontdesk area to check-in and register. Your group will be given a map of the entire resort. There are some areas that are off-limits. These will be marked on the map.
Each guest will be given a waterproof wristband. and then you may proceed to the sweet spot restaurant for the welcome drinks.
You can either walk to your designated spot (cottage, table, or villa) or you can avail of the resort’s service vehicle.
Settle down and enjoy!
Operating Days and Hours
Úradné hodiny
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday – Saturday
Resort Hours
7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Note: For guests on a day tour, the main gates open at 7 AM and close at 10 PM.
Day tour vs Overnight Stay
It depends on your budget and the things you want to do at the resort.
Day tour is cheaper, but you have limited time to enjoy the resort and the beach. If you want to maximize your time, you need to be there early. If you just want to check out on a day trip, it’s more convenient and faster if you will go there via private car.
Overnight stay is expensive, but you have more time enjoying the amenities and other activities at Stilts. You can split the cost if your group is big and you are traveling with friends. Or you can camp out. If this is your long-awaited family outing and you have the money to spend, then, by all means, opt to stay overnight.
Day tour Rates
P450/person: Off-Peak season (January, February, and from July to November)
P500/person: peak season (March to June, December, and holidays)
The Calatagan Municipality has mandated the collection of P30 per person for the tourism ecological Fee. This is normally paid at the resort either upon check in or check out. You only need to pay this once. If you’re visiting multiple resorts, you only need to settle this at your first resort.
The entrance for children six (6) years old and below are FREE.
The day tour rates are inclusive of welcome drinks, free use of the swimming pools, and access to the beach areas.
The day tour rates also include access to the shower rooms, souvenir shops, and other amenities like the restaurant.
You can avail of the water activity packages and tours, but these are on top of the entrance fee. These have separate rates.
Hut/Table Rentals
Cozy nooks (Wooden Tables and Benches)
Capacity: 5-10 pax
Peak Rate: P600
Off-peak Rate: P500
Open Huts
Capacity: 15 pax
Peak Rate: P1,250
Off-peak Rate: P1,100
Small Pavilion
Capacity: 20 pax
Peak Rate: P1,500
Off-peak Rate: P1,300
Big Pavilion
Capacity: 50 pax
Peak Rate: P3,000
Off-peak Rate: P2,500
Cozy nooks (Wooden Tables and Benches)
Capacity: 20 pax
Peak Rate: P600
Off-peak Rate: P500
Open Huts
Capacity: 20 pax
Peak Rate: P1,250
Off-peak Rate: P1,100
Small Cabana
Capacity: 10 pax
Peak Rate: P1,500
Off-peak Rate: P1,300
Big Cabana
Capacity: 20 pax
Peak Rate: P1,500
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