WHY DO I dislike L.A.?
Posted: 12/9/2010 | December 9th, 2010
Update 7/1/18: I like LA now. It’s truly grown on me. It’s one of those locations that takes a while to get the feel for. A location that only slowly exposes itself and, after years of going there, I can state completely that I like LA. I wouldn’t want to online there however I like visiting!
Los Angeles. There’s just something about it I hate. I dislike the web traffic as well as the lack of public transportation. I dislike the vanity as well as exactly how everybody is “so Hollywood.” I dislike the pollution. I dislike the lack of neighborhoods. LA just scrubs me the wrong way.
But I haven’t spent much time in the city. My viewpoint has only been developed by a few short visits. I question if I truly dislike L.A. or just believe I do?
We all have preconceived notions as well as perceptions of different places. all of us have our own prejudices as well as opinions based on what we’ve checked out as well as heard over the years. stories from the news, the Internet, as well as our buddies produce an picture in our minds.
As long as I can remember, I’ve always had preconceived notions about Los Angeles. I believed it would be polluted, a gigantic traffic-jam-filled city with vain wannabe-celebrities. Los Angeles was a sprawling city without any culture.
When I go to L.A., I see all of these negatives. It would be difficult not to. however I frequently question if I see those things a lot more since of my already-formed notions as well as feelings about the city. I’ve been to lots of cities that are run-down, dirty, as well as full of pretentious people, as well as have poor traffic. Los Angeles isn’t the only city in the world like this. Bangkok is no spring chicken, Barcelona needs a great scrubbing, as well as rush hour in Tokyo is no joke. Yet while I see these things in other cities, they don’t seem to bother me as much as they perform in Los Angeles.
There are some legit things I dislike about Los Angeles. I don’t like cities that are as well huge to get around. nyc may be big, however it’s simple to get around. Bangkok has a great transit system, as well as while Tokyo is gigantic, you can still navigate public transportation relatively easily. Yet whatever in L.A. is spread out, as well as you requirement to drive to get places. I like cities with great public transit — as well as Los Angeles doesn’t have it.
Moreover, L.A. has no neighborhoods. It just seems to sprawl forever, as well as it’s full of as well lots of people trying to make it. everybody I satisfy in L.A. is trying to make it as an actor or screenplay writer.
Yet these things don’t truly make L.A. “hateable.” None of these “issues” are incredibly off-putting, as well as I’ve had lots of fun moments in L.A. with my friends. So why is it that I dislike Los Angeles so much? Where does this visceral reaction come from?
I believe back to my recent trip to Ottawa. It was a city I understood nothing about, as well as I was able to type my own opinions about the city ideal on the spot. I liked Ottawa. Bolo to skvelé.
Often when we travel, we see cities not as exactly how they are however exactly how we expect them to be. We take our understanding with us as well as utilize it as a lens to view the city. When we believe of Amsterdam, we believe of pot as well as prostitutes, so that’s what we see. We go to Bangkok as well as see the dirt as well as contamination since we understand it to be a “dirty” city. Often, we go to locations as well as do things that additionally our preconceived notions of the city. We go experience romance in Paris or celebration on the island of Ko Phangan. as well as cities we understand the least about are frequently the locations we like the best. We aren’t trying to find things that in shape into the mold our mind has made. We just take the city as it is — no expectations as well as no disappointments.
Fighting preconceived notions is an crucial part of traveling. The pictures as well as notions in our heads can paint a bleaker photo of a location than what’s truly there. They can color our thoughts on cities in methods that don’t frequently show reality. Yes, I dislike L.A. — however I mean if I truly believed about it, it’s not that poor a place. I would rather be in lots of other locations in the world, however I can see that there’s something for people in Los Angeles.
Maybe someday I’ll online in Los Angeles as well as like it. After all, I despised Bangkok at very first as well as now it’s one of my preferred cities in the world. stepping back from my emotional, knee-jerk reaction to Los Angeles, I see there are some things that make the city worth checking out as well as worth living in. After all, it’s near the beach, it’s warm throughout the year, there’s a great deal to do, it’s got great sushi, as well as it has an budget-friendly expense of living. Plus, you get to area stars all the time. (OK, perhaps that’s just something IPáčilo by sa!)
Niekedy len požadujeme ustúpiť, dýchať, a posúdiť miesto podľa vlastných zásluh s neochvejnými očami. Rovnako ako to možno nie je to, že sa mi nepáči L.A., avšak skôr verzia v mojej mysli, ako aj po takmer 30 rokoch, keď som si len vyznamenal L.A., to je všetko, čo teraz vidím ideálne.
Ľudia často vidia, čo chcú vidieť. Verím, že ako cestujúci potrebujeme, aby sme si to pamätali. Výdavky O’Reilly verí, že Amsterdam je žumpa. Keď tam idem, vidím kanály, nádherné budovy, ako aj priateľských ľudí. Vidí, čo chce vidieť, rovnako ako ja, ako aj Los Angeles?
Všetci máme vopred dohodnuté predstavy o miestach na svete. Keď ideme na miesto, často to vidíme s hranolom v našej mysli, ktorý skresľuje to, o čom skutočne je. Cestovanie je o otvorení seba rovnako ako o nových zážitkoch, ako aj o miestach. Je to o prepustení z predsudkov, ktoré máme o ľuďoch, ako aj o miestach. Chodenie na miesta bez predsudkov a očakávaní je jedinou metódou, ktorá skutočne „vidí“ miesto. Vyžadujeme zníženie našej stráže a budeme k dispozícii pre nové veci. V opačnom prípade vždy skončíme iba v našej mysli.
A potom vždy skončíme nenávidením L.A.
Zarezervujte si cestu do Los Angeles: Logistické nápady a triky
Zarezervujte si svoj let
Použite SkyScanner alebo Momondo na objavenie lacného letu. Sú to moje dva preferované motory prehliadania, pretože prezerajú webové stránky, ako aj letecké spoločnosti po celom svete, takže vždy pochopíte, že žiadny kameň nezostane nezostáva. Začnite s Skyscannerom najskôr, aj keď majú najväčší dosah!
Zarezervujte si ubytovanie
Svoju hostel si môžete rezervovať s Hostelworld, pretože majú najväčšie zásoby, ako aj najlepšie ponuky. Ak chcete zostať niekde inde ako v hosteli, využite Booking.com, pretože neustále vracia najmenej drahé sadzby pre penzióny, ako aj lacné hotely. Moje preferované miesta, ktoré zostanú, sú:
Ahoj Los Angeles Santa Monica
Banánový bungalov
Pre oveľa viac návrhov je tu zoznam najlepších ubytovní v Los Angeles.
Nepamätáte si cestovné poistenie
Cestovné poistenie vás zaistí proti chorobám, zraneniu, krádeži a zrušení. Je to podrobná bezpečnosť v situácii, čokoľvek sa pokazí. Nikdy som nešiel na výlet bez toho, pretože som ho v minulosti musel využiť veľakrát. Moje preferované podnikanie, ktoré ponúkajú najlepšie služby a hodnotu, sú:
Bezpečnostné krídlo (pre všetkých pod 70)
Zaistite moju cestu (pre tých nad 70 rokov)
Medjet (pre ďalšie pokrytie repatriácie)
Hľadáte to najlepšie podnikanie, s ktorým môžete ušetriť peniaze?
Pozrite sa na moju stránku zdrojov, kde nájdete to najlepšie podnikanie, ktoré môžete využiť pri cestovaní. Uvádzam všetky tie, ktoré využívam na ušetrite peniaze, keď som na ceste. Ušetrite vám peniaze, keď budete cestovať.
Chcete oveľa viac informácií o Los Angeles?
Nezabudnite ísť k nášmu robustnému cieľovému sprievodcovi v Los Angeles, kde nájdete oveľa viac tipov na plánovanie!